To improve the knowledge of the benefits of healthy eating and exercise, Molly Ward, RD, CDN, CDE, Whitney Young Health’s Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist. along with our Nursing staff, came up with the idea of a program that educates kids and their families in an interactive way rather than just talking about it.
The first ever “Whitney Wellness Warriors Kids Kamp,” was hosted out our Albany Health Center. Throughout the program, Molly had the kids try various vegetables such as, bell peppers, carrots, sugar snap peas and edamame then give their an opinion on whether they tasted “crunchy.” “sweet,” or “salty.” The moms also learned how to make delicious afternoon snacks using these vegetables as well.
After the healthy eating portion, everyone gathered around to learn easy and fun exercises with the help of Deshaya, our Volunteer Program Manager.
At the end of the session, the kids filled out a “My Veggie Pledge” and each individually pledged to eat more vegetables, especially the ones that they liked during the tasting session. Stay tuned for more “kamp” sessions throughout the summer!