As one of his last acts as Commander in Chief, President Obama has proclaimed that September 18th – 24th will be Prescription Opioid and Heroin Epidemic Awareness Week.
“Each year, more Americans die from drug overdoses than in traffic accidents, and more than three out of five of these deaths involve an opioid. Since 1999, the number of overdose deaths involving opioids, including prescription opioid pain relievers, heroin, and fentanyl, has nearly quadrupled.” says President Obama. With the stigma drug use brings, those who are affected by it are hesitant to seek out the treatment they need to beat this disease.
It is important to remember that opioid use disorder affects us all, no matter what our gender, race, or economic background is, it is affecting us all. This week is dedicated to remembering those who lost their battles with opioid use disorder, supporting those who are in recovery, and acknowledging that this is a serious epidemic our society is facing and it needs to be addressed.
Read here for the rest of President Obama’s proclamation.
If you are suffering from prescription opioid use, heroin, or any other substance, now is the time to save your life and get the treatment you need. Whitney Young Health offers an integrated health care model that addresses substance abuse and makes sure you receive primary care all at our Dewitt Street location. For our Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program, call (518) 463-3882 and to contact FACTS, call (518) 465-5964.