So what is #GivingTuesday?
You’ve may have heard about it before in passing or on social media, but #GivingTuesday is a chance to make a positive difference during the upcoming holiday months. #GivingTuesday is the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving, right in the midst of the major shopping days like Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It’s a day that shifts the focus from buying gifts for your loved ones to helping out people you may not know, who are in a less fortunate situation than you may be. It has become a movement that celebrates and supports giving and philanthropy to charities you are most passionate about.
Every year, Whitney Young Health participates in this day of charitable giving because not only are we a network of health center, but we are also a non-profit, which is why we are able to provide a vast number of critical health resources to 19,000 people all through the Capital Region, who otherwise would have no access to the necessary healthcare they need.
This effort can not be achieve on our own, we need your help.
While there are many worthy charities, you can make a difference right in your own community by supporting Whitney Young Health. Your donation can help a child manage their asthma, a women receive a mammogram, and a man to have a physical he needs for a job he’s applying for. These are just some the ways your donation will be hard at work.
We make giving on #GivingTuesday simple. If you want to make a charitable donation benefiting Whitney Young Health, click here and follow the instructions. We accept generous donations of any amount. Also, spread the word about your donation and about #GivingTuesday in general by using the hashtag on social media.
If you have any questions regarding #GivingTuesday or where your charitable donation is going, contact Kate Renna at (518) 591-4772.