Whitney Young Health has partnered with HIXNY (Health Information Exchange NY) to improve our employee’s knowledge about blood pressure monitoring and using a patient portal to share information with their primary care provider. Employees who participated watched the Million Hearts video on Self-Monitor Blood Pressure (SMBP,) received access to the HIXNY Patient Portal, learned how to self-monitor their BP and were encouraged to monitor their BP at the Price Chopper House Calls Pharmacy in our Albany Health Center and SMBP machine or buy a home BP machine.
So far, several employees stopped in at a Whitney Employee Wellness session and learned what their blood pressure numbers mean, how to self-monitor blood pressure, how to prevent and control hypertension and how to utilize the patient portal to log in their BP numbers electronically.
A big shout out goes to Christina, Cynthia, Katie, Kellie and Julia and to our other employees who took part in this with us.
It’s important to know your numbers. The best way to know if your blood pressure is in a healthy or a unhealthy range is to get it checked. If high blood pressure is diagnosed, regular monitoring can help confirm if you have high blood pressure, detect patterns and alert you to any changes. It will also show you if the changes you’ve made are working.
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