Our Albany Dental Clinic is officially open! With 12 operatories, a state of the art x-ray machine and a dental lab, we can now serve more patients and bring more smiles to the community. The dental clinic is now located at 900 Lark Drive (across the street from the Albany Health Center).
This momentous effort would not have been made possible without the support and the generous gifts from incredible individuals and organizations in the community such as, The Touhey Foundation, Hearst Foundations, SEFCU, Daniel Nolan, Jewish Federation of NENY, CFGCR/Arnold Cogswell Health Care Fund, Marlowe Cochran and Carol Hausamann. If you haven’t had a chance to make a donation to our Campaign for Smiles and still want to, visit the campaign page here. We appreciate gifts of any kind.
A big thank you goes out to our Albany Dental staff who helped make the transition easier for all our patients.
We’re accepting new patients so call (518) 465-4771 to make an appointment today – they book up quick!