With the colder weather already here, not everyone has a coat to keep them warm. Many of our patients are immigrants and refugees from warmer climate countries, thus is their first winter for most of them. Whitney Young Health decided to share the warmth on #GivingTuesday and hosted a Coat Drive at our 3 health centers in Albany, Troy and Watervliet as well as our Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Treatment Center in Albany.
Over 250 coats were collected and given out to our patients, adults and children alike. We also received donations from both AOW Associates and MVP Healthcare who donated brand new coats for our patients.
A special thank you goes out to Regal Dry Cleaners on Central Ave in Albany for generously donating their services to clean these coats so they were already for their new owners. With another successful #GivingTuesday in the books. we look forward to seeing our patients happy and warm this winter season.